Rigaer94: Support the demo against danger zones on 12.9 | 17Uhr Alexanderplatz

While gentrification plans are growing in a rapid pace, the state’s contribution to the profit of this capitalist society becomes even more visible. Repressive strategies and security architecture planning are applied and developed in our streets and neighborhoods. Strategies and plans which consist of “danger” and “red” zones, special voluntarily police units and regular patrols, all are based on a broader repressive strategy from state and capital who try to overthrow marginalized and specific political groups and communities of people.
With the creation of those “special” zones, the state apparatus is able to camouflage its repressive plans in order to gain total control of certain territories and eventually of the lives of the individuals who exist in them. Through intense profiling the state tries to criminalize all those who do not fit in the norms of this suffocated society. With new mechanisms of control and surveillance like cameras and hourly police patrols or private securities that are used to dominate areas and preventing groups of people and certain political identities to exist, meet, organize in neighborhoods and resist in the public sphere against the regime of control and oppression.
As Rigaer94, we support the collective struggles against the state apparatus and its repressive strategies in every corner of the world. Against the danger zones which target our political identity, actions and try to prevent us from connecting to broader social struggles and rebellious individuals and neighborhoods.
We stand together against the transformation of our neighborhoods into modern prisons.
Therefore, we support the call for the bike demo against danger zones on Sunday 12.9, 17Uhr, Alexanderplatz, Neptunbrunnen.
Their safety is our nightmare!