Call for demo on 12.2 – Against the eviction in Rummelsburger Bucht

The last episode in the long series of gentrification and displacement in Berlin was played out in the early hours of last Saturday (6.2.). Around 00.30 different footmen of the state (cops, social workers, civil protection workers, securities) stormed the tent-camp in Rummelsburger Bucht and evicted its around 100 residents. In the middle of the night, under freezing temperatures and in the midst of a pandemic, the residents were given half an hour to pack their stuff and were forced to leave. Some were packed into BVG buses touring them in different areas of the city, and some were offered alternative accomodation – unclear for how long. The people were given time until Friday 12.2 to collect their belongings, as after this date the camp will be completely destroyed.
After evicting people from the living space and then planning to completely destroy it, the politicians along with their mass-media servants shamelessly celebrated this as an action of „humanitarian aid“. While this claim might seem absurd and outrageous, it points out exactly on what the state and politics stand for. They dictate and regulate the lives of people, despite and against what the people themselves want or need, even if that means evicting, oppressing and displacing them.
What is behind the eviction, and hidden behing the „humanitarian aid“ of the city politics, is of course the plans of big capital for the complete destruction of Rummelsburger Bucht, planning to build a new aquarium, and a series luxury apartments and offices in the area. The eviction is one in a long-story of displacement in the area after the evicted and thretened projects in the area such as Tepichfabrik, DieselA&Widerstrand, SabotGarten, and Hauptstrasse 1.
Our answer to all these should be solidarity! Organize together, against our common enemies and their plans, and put forward self-organization and self-determination against gentrification, displacement and the sell-out of the city.
We stand in solidarity with the people from the camp and call for the demo on Friday 12.02 at 18.30 starting from Hauptstrasse corner Kynastraße
Friede den Hütten, Krieg den Palästen!
Solidarität ist unsere Waffe!