For an Anti-fascist Internationalist Front against the dictatorship in Burma!

For more than three years the peoples of Burma have waged popular resistance against a military junta, which seized power after a landslide defeat in the country’s elections. Even before the coup, ethnic rebels in the countryside have been waging a decades-long resistance against the Burmese central government. Now, in a historical moment, the entire people has united to strike final defeat into both the fascist dictatorship which has since birth plagued the country, as well as the chauvinist and divisive approach of the “Burmese” state against the many peoples of the land.
Most of the country is again in the hands of the people, with the dictatorship retreating everywhere and on the defensive- but the hardest battles are still yet to come. The times ahead of us mark a crucial period of transition and development as the revolutionary forces consolidate the strength to be able to confront the junta in their strongholds. We believe the time has come for internationalists, as they have always done, to come to the side of the people and organize in the defense of the revolution.
To this end we announce the Anti-fascist Internationalist Front, a vessel for individuals of all nationalities to join the people of Myanmar in their resistance to the dictatorship, and invite all who consider themselves anti-fascist or revolutionary to contact us at the email below.
Until victory,
passiert am 15.10.2024